Quality Hand Controls and Driving Devices
Distributor for GUIDOSIMPLEX Mobility Products in the USA and Canada

It's "Freedom to Drive" the way you want to drive - with both hands on the wheel, natural "push" movement to brake, up to 11 secondary controls at your fingertips - even a clutch for a manual shift vehicle! And every Guidosimplex hand control is beautifully styled to complement your vehicle's interior.
Guidosimplex means "Driving made simple" - with the most technologically advanced driving controls available!
Customize Your Guidosimplex Hand Controls to Your Driving Ability
Cutting Edge. Customizable. Cool.
Choose the accelerator you want, and your choice of brake systems. Add in a "secondary control" for turn signals, lights, wipers. Here are some of our most innovative products.
Easy "push" acceleration in front of the steering wheel. Add the mechanical brake of your choice, along with secondary controls if needed.
Keep your hand on the steering wheel as you activate turn signals, lights, wipers, and more. Add on the accelerator and brake if needed.
Unique all-in-one lever design allows you to simply pull the trigger using your middle or ring finger to accelerate, or press forward with your palm to apply the brakes.
Guidosimplex has been providing handicap hand controls for cars for over 50 years, and has helped millions of disabled drivers throughout the U.S. and the world get back on the road.
But beyond the innovative functionality, Guidosimplex has made car hand controls more CONVENIENT, unobtrusive, and more in keeping with your vehicle's own interior styling.
Guidosimplex hand controls are designed for maximum ease of use, with a minimal amount of modification to your vehicle. Unlike most other hand controls for cars, these driving aids look and FEEL great for the driver, without being obtrusive or obstructing your range of motion.
Guidosimplex Hand Controls for Cars: Cutting-Edge. Customizable. Cool.